Wing Shooting

We have a vast stretch of the Orange River winding through our expansive property, adorned with inland ponds, salt pans, nearby irrigation fields, and the untamed beauty of the indigenous Karoo and river bush. Nestled amidst this surrounding oasis of nature lies Gkhui Gkhui River Lodge, a haven for avid wing shooters seeking paradise.
Prepare to encounter a diverse array of species, from the vibrant plumage of Guinea Fowl to the dignified stature of Egyptian Geese, with massive flocks of geese painting the skies during certain seasons. Engage in the thrill of the hunt as you pursue the majestic Yellow Billed Duck, Red Billed Spur Fowl, and the prized Orange River Francolin. Amidst the chorus of calls, discover a variety of Doves and Pigeons, each adding their melody to the natural orchestra of our wing shooters’ wonderland.
Popular Species available are: Guinea Fowl, Egyptian Geese, Spur Winged Geese, Yellow Billed Duck, Red Billed Spur Fowl, Orange River Francolin and a variety of Doves and Pigeons.
Contact us here for more info on rates and to book, or phone us at +27 53 831 1994
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