fly fishing
Fishing with your partner.
A look at why Gkhui Gkhui River Lodge is a great destination to get the hobby of partner fishing going!
How to differentiate between smallmouth and largemouth yellowfish?
It is clear from several studies that largemouth yellowfish and smallmouth yellowfish are morphologically distinct and identifiable using several features, amongst others mouth position, mouth size, eye to preopercular groove distance, colouration, interorbital width and eye position in general. Having fished and guided on the Orange River system for the past 25 years I have observed many of these differences and can give some practical pointers.
Fishing in Africa - why fly fishing largemouth yellowfish on the Orange River is the one you shouldn't miss
Are you planning a fishing trip to Africa? Which species should you be scouting for?
Finding myself in the middle of the Karoo
Have you ever been to a place that literally feels like it’s in the middle of nowhere – a place so arid and hot that you simply can’t imagine why any rational person would live there? I was born in a place like that and I asked myself that same question. It was only after 15 years of living a ‘normal’ city life that I came to the answer.
Dry fly heaven
A film depicting the fly-fishing on the Orange River at Gkhui Gkhui River Lodge
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